Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don't let me disturb you

I was going to begin my blog this morning with a list of pros's and con's about my husband but thought it could get a little dicey so I'll just skip to the #1 thing that absolutely pisses me off more than anything else in this entire world. 

~ Having to ask my husband to help me do something concerning our children.

It's not that he minds helping, that he intentionally tries not to, or doesn't want to help.  Actually it's quite the opposite.  Trey is a great dad, loves his kids and is the first to jump in and get the crew moving .... but you have to ask.  And people, it is the need to ask part that sends me directly into witch overload.

As an example, this morning I overslept and woke up a few minutes after 6 am instead of our normal 5:55 am wake up time.  Kids are still snuggled in their beds and my husband is on the back porch reading the news on my iphone (that is a whole other issue) smoking.  There he sits undisturbed, chilling out before he has to get ready and leave the house by 6:30, which leaves me alone to wrestle our brood through the morning ritual and out the door with lunches and bookbags packed.  Of course I jump up when I notice the time and race to the porch to ask for assistance with getting the kids up and served breakfast while I barely have time to shower (another day of not shaving my legs) and scurry around making lunches and getting myself dressed.   What infuriates me is that in his hands rests the darn phone that, sur-freaking-prise, shows the TIME!!  Dear Sweet Baby Jesus in Heaven ... why why why why why doesn't he notice that it is past 6 am and take a brief moment to wake up the kids, instead of me screeching like a banshee at him from across the house?   I used to think that nirvana was recreating the love scene in Legends of the Fall with Brad Pitt but now I would gladly take waking up and finding my children dressed and eating breakfast without any of my assistance. 

On another note, Annie my sweetcakes 5 year old is becoming  quite the little troublemaker in her kindergarten class.  Mind you we haven't even completed 1 month of school and Annie's "green lights" are coming home with strikes and notes that simply say, Will Not Stop Talking, Will Not Participate, Does Not Listen.  When asked to explain why she is not behaving in class, her answers are very short and delivered with a little eye-rolling, hands waving, hip holding, sassy explanation.   Oh, and don't let me forget the bright red light she received earlier in the week for flat out not participating in music class and then proceeded to pick the paint off the classroom wall while she was standing in the corner, supposedly to think about her bad behavior.  Awesome.

Mixed in this craziness is Carl who loves his 4th grade teacher but not the homework and it's practically pulling teeth to have him complete it.  (he doesn't even know the meaning of homework yet)  And then there is me who is alone after 9:30 pm since my husband gets up at the crack of dawn for work; eating and pathetically watching episode after episode of Friday Night Lights.   Which is my new obsession and I am totally in lust with Tim Riggins who is a character on the show, and is not even a real person because he is an actor who plays a character on a television show, where everyone is an actor with a script and none of these people really exist. 

I hope he calls me.

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