Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There is a Smudge On My Glass

If I had to guess I probably tell my kids on average of 1,000 times a day to not be concerned with what someone else is doing or has and instead they should just worry about themselves.  Sadly I cannot stick to my own advice.  What is the saying?  "Those who cannot live by their own advice, tell others what they should or should not be doing because they know everything and everyone should listen to them."  Something along those lines. 

To be honest I worry way too much about what other people have and nowhere near enough time on what I should be doing to change circumstances in my life.  Just the other day I finally watched the 2005 Commencement Speech given by Steve Jobs on youtube and it totally reminded me how ridiculous I am.  Steve was talking about how each morning he wakes up, looks into his mirror and asks himself if he is excited about what he will be doing that day.  If the answer is NO several days in a row, then he knows the time has come to make a change in his life and he does it.  I on the other hand begin my mornings by looking into the mirror and become immediatley annoyed that once again my prayers of waking up looking like Minka Kelly have gone unanswered.  For the love of Tim Riggins!  It's not like I place that eensy weensy prayer request before all the important ones like God blessing all the little children in the world, keeping them safe and watching over my family; I'd consider it to be more like a closing statement.  Dear Lord, thank you for blah blah blah, watch over the children blah blah, keep them safe from blah blah blah, make my kids listen to me and let me look like Minka when I wake up.  Amen.  Goodness how I would love to be a "The glass is half full" kinda gal but alas it is not meant to be.  I would say I am more of a "Her glass is prettier than mine and I want it" girl.   Horrible.

Sitting here thinking of all the bad things I have done and will do in my lifetime, I've come to grips with the fact it is my complaining thats gonna keep me out of those pearly gates of heaven.  I just know it.  And the worst part is I really do not have anything to complain about!  Honestly I would have to say there are a great number of checks during the first 37 years of my life.  Born into a loving family, healthy, got the Holly Hobby with the yellow banana seat, got the Outback Red outfit I wanted for my 15th birthday, was accepted and attended my dream college, moved to the beach like I wanted, married the boy I wanted (other than Brad Pitt), had the 2 kids, have great friends that make me laugh, has a closet full of elastic pants and Mom jeans .....  check, check, check and a check.  And STILL I'll sit here complaining about my glass that is only half full and has a smudge on it.

What I need is a good dose of zest, gusto, ambition, passion!  Now that would be a good cocktail.

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