Friday, March 11, 2011

Keeping up with the Kardash-a-blah-flah-flah-ans

After serious consideration I firmly believe that the Kardashian's are a cult.  A stiletto wearing, Pantene commercial hair, designer clothes as tight as a second skin, pocketbooks bigger than my steamer trunk, spanxed within an inch of their life, cult.  It's ridiculous.  They are everywhere.  Everywhere you say?  Every-freaking-where.  It's bananas I tell you.  What really floors me is how they can walk around in those 100 inch heels every day?  Even the 13 year old sisters who dress like they are 20 have them on.  What we aren't seeing in the tabloid magazine photos is a handler nearby ready to catch them when they wobble backwards.  I bet as soon as they are out of sight they have on a pair of Keds faster than you can say Chanel.  Sometimes I wonder if they are really all just robots or aliens that slip on a perfectly made up suit to hit Rodeo Drive and all the hottest clubs in Beverly Hills.  No human can look that good all the time.  It's just not normal. 

I wonder if I can get one of those suits.

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