Saturday, April 2, 2011

Number 1,278,893,001

I'm making a list.  A "Life To Do" list of sorts with all the things I want to learn or see or accomplish at some point in my life.  Believe it or not I am actually carrying around a notebook to scribble in anytime something flashes across my brain or I read an article or hear of something I would like to tackle.  Realistically most of these items will never come to fruition but I like writing them down anyway, it gives me something to look forward to and I can honestly say that I have plans.  Plans to go rock climbing in Arizona -- yes, that's probably in the "ain't gonna happen" pile; but plans nonetheless.

I'll let you in on a little secret ... I'm terrified of never truly accomplishing anything significant.  You know, really putting yourself out there and trying something exciting and new.  (Gasp)  I know everyone will say , "How can you think that Sally?  You have a husband and two beautiful children, of course you've accomplished a lot!"   And OK, yes that is a wonderful gift that I have received and I am very thankful for but every year that passes I feel this crazy urge to have my Rosa Parks moment.  Doing something so against the grain, really putting yourself out there, taking a stand and making a change in your life.  Of course I understand that a Rosa Parks moment is extraordinarily magnanimous and happens to so few people in the world, but I just want something ... something I can't put my finger on.  Keeps me up at night just thinking about it.

But, for now I've decided to start with something small and work my way up to the history books.  Photo Albums.  My grandmother Carolyn always kept these fantastic photo albums and she made notes about the pictures and kept them in the album. I just remember reading them over and over when I was little and enjoying those moments that I missed and seeing my family in their younger years.  I'm so forgetful now about people and events I never thought I could forget, it makes me anxious to get started.  My next step will be to develop all of the film canisters I've collected over the years, which when I think about some of them it scares me to death.  Lord knows what pictures some of those canisters hold!   yikes!

In the meantime I will keep my notebook and pen handy so I'll be ready when my bus comes around the corner.

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