Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Darn you Phil Collins

That darn Phil Collins kills me every time; it never fails.  Every single time I'm driving down the beach front with my windows open just minding my own business happy as a clam, a Phil Collins song will come on the radio and I turn into a total hot mess.  There is absolutely nothing for me to be weepy about, but there I am in all my teary runny nose glory singing Against All Odds at the top of my lungs to no one in particular.  Oh .. and the best are One More Night and Groovy Kind of Love.  Just one opening measure of those and up goes the car radio and down go all the windows, and off I go driving up and down the roads just singing at the top of my lungs like my heart is breaking in two until the song ends and I can finally go home an emotional wreck.  At first my husband would give me that "What in the Hell?" look each time I came home all sniffled up and bleary eyed.  Now I just get the "that darn Phil Collins song" eye roll.  It's not like I can help it!  But grief, I am a little loony about them.

In my defense I have had some doozy relationships, although none that I can remember would warrant the total dissolution of my pride as I lean out my car window just singing into the darkness, while poor vacationers are out on their rented porches covering their ears.  I mean really?! Just one more night?  What in the heck is one more night going to get anybody?  You tell a guy you just want one more night, and he's thinking, Lord he'll give you just one more night just as long as you promise to leave by daybreak and to never call again.  Am I right?  Umm Hmmm.  I thought so.  One more night is nothing but a whole lot of trouble.  Trust me.  I know this.

And Groovy Kind of Love,  my goodness I love that song.  Someone plays that song around me and we might as well get married, cause I'm never leaving.  Nope.  No "one more night" for this chick.  Good ol' Phil knows just what to say and if he could just wait until I'm asleep to come on the radio I would get a lot more done around here.  It's just so time consuming to stop what I am doing so I can drive around the island singing, and then spending the rest of the evening analyzing old relationships that I haven't thought about since the last darn Phil Collins song came on the radio! 

I really should be medicated.

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