Monday, July 4, 2011

Remembering the Fourth of July

The 4th of July is a magical time of the year for me and holds many wonderful memories in my heart.  Just thinking about all of my 4th's over the past 37 years brings joy to my soul and a few laughs as well.  I hope that everyone is enjoying their 4th of July with friends and family!  Maybe you too will take some time to sit down and remember some of your favorite memories and they will bring joy to your heart and a smile on your face too. 
Happy 4th of July!!

Here are some of my fondest memories~

Riding in the back of my Pop Pop's truck at Lake Waccamaw with my sister and cousins, carrying Grandmother's famous lemon pound cake and blueberry cobbler to my Aunt Mary's where the entire Wayne Family gathered for the annual 4th of July reunion.  Fat, juicy watermelons bobbing in the an ice cold well just waiting to be devoured by us kids, while danging our tan legs off the pier.  My Aunt Ethel's homemade 12 layered cake, so sweet I can't believe our teeth didn't fall out.  Gentle lake breezes blowing the red and white checkered tablecloths that covered miles of picnic tables with the most delicious food I've ever had.  The annual race for the only hammock, diving off the end of Aunt Mary's pier with my cousins, my Aunt Juanita wearing her beautiful 4th of July scarf and the divine peace that only comes with a good days swim, being kissed and hugged 100 times by those that love you and a belly full of food.  

Once I moved to the beach Trey and I started making some of our own memories.  I remember my first year not being at the lake because I wasn't prepared for the 4th of July traffic and couldn't get off the island!  Trey buying the tackiest Hawaiian shirt and I a hippie dress that we found at Local Call or Bert's Surf Shop so we could roam around the Yacht Basin at night in our sunburned slendor.  Packing a backpack full of beer and riding our bikes all day around downtown Southport, while weaving in and out of the parade procession.  Stopping by friends houses for a visit and cookouts after hanging out at Beach Day, while Trey competed in the Volleyball and Horseshoe Tournament.  Wrecking my bike in the middle of Howe Street because I was too busy waving at a friend passing by!  Ouch!  Dancing to Brown Eyed Girl at the Tiki Hut by the Southport Marina, and milling about the Riverfront greeting old friends by Provision Company while we pulled up some grass for the fireworks.

Now that I'm older with children we enjoy those fireworks on the other side of the river at The Baptist Assembly.  Those same fireworks still light up the sky in the most vibrant colors, only with a 5 second delay and a child chattering about their favorites.  (The buzzing bees are still mine)  Beach Days are spent with the children in sack races and watermelon rolling contests and mommy-ish red, white and blue attire have replaced those ridiculous yet comfy hippie dresses.  4th of July mornings are spent driving to the lake from our home, instead of waking up in my old room at the lake house, the annual reunion is now hosted by my parents at our lake house and hamburgers off the grill have replaced those pimento cheese finger sandwiches and homemade ham biscuits.  My children and their cousins are jumping off the pier now while I reminisce with great-aunts and uncles in those same heavenly breezes, beach bags filled with extra clothes for the kids, snacks and the ever-present camera have replaced those backpacks filled with beer.

I wouldn't have it any other way, but I sure do miss my grandparents and watching my Grandmother in her kitchen baking her famous blueberry cobbler.

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