Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'll Wine If I Want To

Today I had just one of "those days".  You know where you feel that nothing is going quite like you had planned, your yard looks like shit and you don't have the energy to even care what your neighbors may be thinking of you.  I'm totally bummed about the fact that I will never be an Olympian, I am a total slug and I refuse to play tennis (which I adore) until I can fit my hind-end into a cute little tennis skirt; which at the rate I'm going will be a very long time.  I'm talking decades here.  My career is a total joke, and that just sucks.  All I wanted was to be in real estate, and I worked sooo hard to accomplish that goal and earn my license.  When I finally (and I do mean FINALLY) passed that freaking test, it was one of the happiest days of my life, and the following 2 years were fantastic too.  Of course in famous procrastination Sally fashion, I didn't get into the market with all of my now "well off" smart friends when I had the chance.  Oh No!  Let's wait 6 years so we can screw around and be a beach bum and THEN get into real estate just as the market is crapping the bed.  Oh My God talk about bad decisions central.

So here I am on a mission to drink my worries away and all I have in the house are those individual frozen margarita things that I am slurping down as fast as my curly straw will let me.  Nevermind that they only have 5oz. of wine in the packet, a small but important detail written in the tiniest script on the bottom of the label.  Thankfully I've started early so hopefully by the time the sun rises on Wednesday I will be singing the Pina Colada Song to my weeds.

My husband went to bed long ago, weary from hearing me complain about our yard, how messy our house is, why I'm the only one who remembers to buy toilet paper, asking how much longer it will take to fix the pool, how he crashed another computer putting virus protection crap on it and now we have to use our 1867 laptop on dial up, how come he never wants to sit and talk anymore, why is curly hair never in style ..... I don't know what has gotten into him.  It's MY bad day after all you know. 

And to top off this delicious day of crapness, I don't have anything clean to wear to work tomorrow which is my fault since I'm the only one who does laundry around here.  When I graduated from high school my dream was to take the summer and drive across country before going to college.  Knowing me, I probably never would have done it even if I had the opportunity but how awesome would that have been?!  I could have saved myself from a whole lot of heartache and disappointments, but whose to say that my life wouldn't have turned out exactly the same but maybe now I would be living in San Antonio or Seattle?  I'll just stay here by the ocean thank you very much and have a little pity party with my yellow swirly straw and frozen wine cooler contraption in a rat-a-tat nightgown.  It's too bad the kids finally went to bed, I could complain about that too.

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