Friday, May 20, 2011

Drum Roll Please

Hello my name is Sally and I am a hopeless band nerd.  I love love loved being in the wind ensemble and marching band in high school.  Truly it was some of the most wonderful times in my life.  Laugh all you want but I can't help it.  It was incredible and just right up my alley since I am a freak for music.  Stop and think and I'm sure you will agree with me when I say that once you hear a certain song on the radio, it just transports you back to a moment.  For me all it takes are a few bars from a familiar song and I am right back in that place in time.  I totally have a love affair with Van Morrison, and it can get a little tricky sometimes so I really have to be careful.  It's no joke and thank goodness I am married because 1 song and I might find myself 1/2 to Dillon S.C. on marriage mission.  I'll set the scene for you.  Me on the waterfront nursing a cocktail, warm air blowing in my hair, shimmers from the lighthouse dancing on the water.  I am relaxed and deep in thought when Into the Mystic (my favorite song ever) begins to play softly in the background, when suddenly a mysterious man walks onto the deck and glances my way.  The moon shines thru the clouds and they cast a shadow over his face and clothing.  Slowly he moves towards me in the darkness and grabs my hand, "smell the sea and feel the sky" is ringing in my ears while he leads me out and into his car.  As we drive away the last words of the song hover in the air "and together we will float into the mystic.  Come on girl" and I'm all swept up into the song. The guitar and the saxophone are playing until the last piano cord is complete; and as I look to my prince I see that we are in a 1978 Gremlin with his mother sitting in the backseat hunkering down on some chew.  What I thought were moonbeams on his shoulders is actually his pale gray skin since he is wearing coveralls without a shirt.  Beer cans and last months takeout boxes litter the floorboards and by the smell in the car, a wet dog or six.  See what I can get myself into with the right song?  I don't even want to think about would've happened if he had his 8 track of Morrison set to repeat.  Frightening.

I still remember the day when it was my turn to choose a Recorder in my 3rd grade music class.  Who knew mastering "Mary Had a Little Lamb" could be so rewarding!  After several years of piano (I'm decent, not great but I love it) trumpet and french horn I must admit I've had a crush on the drums my whole life.  It all began with that opening of Wipe Out I heard on my parents stereo.  (Laughing) Wipe Out .. the drum solo, bring in the guitar, more drums, guitars and then the cymbals!  Good Grief I love it.  A marching band in formation playing a drum cadence ... Good Lord I go weak at the knees.  Truly I cannot help myself.  Who doesn't like a fabulous drum beat?  And football season ... I am toast with the opening cadence to walk down to the field.  Boom-boom-blat-boom-boom-tun-do-to-do, repeat 3 times, snap the drumsticks on the rim, whap-whap, then starting with the bass drum going all the way down, doon-doon-doon-doon boom-pa-dat-to-don.  It looks crazy but if you were there you would totally remember.  With the rap of the drumsticks from the drum captain, snap-snap-snap-snap and the drums would begin; gosh I still get goosebumps. 

Something must be arranged.  Why should Phil Collins, Ringo Star and Tommy Lee have all the fun?  I want a rotating drum set suspended in the air too.  Just give me a drum kit, a wall of cymbals and a soundproof room and I'll be in heaven.  Can you imagine how fantastic it would be to just sit down and start a beat on the kick drum while your drumsticks tap a beat on the rim of your snare before you go headfirst into a total assault of kickass drum awesomeness?!  Holy Cowbell.  Hopefully Santa will read my post and will get on the stick.  For years I have been faithfully sending my Christmas Wish List for drums; to be sure he will reward my outstanding mothering skills with a bright crimson drum set with flecks of silver this Christmas.  I'm ready to take my show on the road!

Hurry fella before someone pops in Van Morrison while I'm not looking.

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