Thursday, May 26, 2011

A pickle for your thoughts

It all started with this gigantic pickle I saw in a new gas station last week.  Right there, smack dab in between the bucket of hot boiled peanuts and dancing solar powered flowers was this pickle display offering huge individually wrapped pickles called The Big Dill.  It was the biggest pickle I've ever seen.  That's what she said.  Oh my grief!  See!!  I'm out of control.  I cannot stop my crude thinking, it has been on hyper-mode ever since then.  Actually that is not entirely true. 

To be honest I have always had an odd sense of humor especially among friends, which most people do not understand or would appreciate.  Let me back up.  It's not like I go around talking about "things that go on behind closed doors" to the general public, but when you get a bunch of silly friends together, the subject is bound to be discussed at some point.  Now I admit that there are many areas and layers of one's personal "preferences of intimacy" that I will not talk about and honestly do not really understand, but in general I think over all it is a pretty funny conversation topic.  How can it not be?  I am 37 (aack) years young and I think it is safe to say that most people my age have been intimate with someone and have a funny story or two mixed in there somewhere.  Who doesn't want to talk and laugh about those times over lots of margaritas with your buddies, and that one poor friend someone brought along that you will never see again?  Nipple.  Bwaa-haha-hahaa  See? 

I really should behave and watch what I say more but I'm having a hard time doing so.  People and some things they say crack me up.  Yes, there have been a half dozen million times that something inappropriate was said by me while I was trying to be little Miss Comedian; afterwards I will do my very best to avoid that person for months in the hopes they will forget.  Alas, they never do.  For the most part I keep my comments and sophomoric thoughts to myself unless it's possible they will be appreciated and hopefully garnish a chuckle or snort.  Unfortunately I'm not that smooth at reading people and more often that not I look like a dirty-minded floozy.  Here is a good example of my lack of tact.   Two weeks ago at the ball field I was sitting with a group of other team Moms that I've known for a few years and shared a few chuckles with, only half listening to a story.  Earlier we had been joking about husbands, so when one lady said "I told Randy to come home quickly, that I really wanted him", it triggered some juvenile reply button in my head.   I piped in from the edge with a "Umm Hmm I BET you did"!   The looks I got could have froze rain.  Well, it was hilarious in my mind. 

This brings me back to the pickle.  The Big Dill.  There I was, standing at the cashier buying my can of coke when out jumps this wall of big dill pickles.  No, they were bigger than big, they were enormous!  (I'm not even going to say anything here)  I was stunned into silence.  Who knew a vegetable could be so, so, so big!  It was all I could do to just pay for my coke and get the dodge out of there.  Have you ever?  Of course I called a friend of mine right away and told her all about the 7 inch long wonder I found.  Out in public!  It's that hysterical!  I didn't dare take a picture or buy the darn thing for fear of causing unnecessary attention to myself and my snack.  Don't give me that look ... of course I know that many people enjoy a nice dill pickle now and then, but I'm sorry The Big Dill is borderline obscene and I love it!  X rated pickles in the Minuteman.  Pure Americana.  And you know the best part?  When I called later in the morning to save one so I could take a picture, they were sold out.  Now I am obsessed with finding inappropriate pickles and have luckily found Big Papa & Hot Mama, but the famous The Big Dill is still M.I.A. 

I bet someone had a fantastic lunch.

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